Results for 'Ada Kristine Ofrim Nilsen'

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  1. Active Learning Norwegian Preschool(er)s (ACTNOW) – Design of a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial of Staff Professional Development to Promote Physical Activity, Motor Skills, and Cognition in Preschoolers.Eivind Aadland, Hege Eikeland Tjomsland, Kjersti Johannessen, Ada Kristine Ofrim Nilsen, Geir Kåre Resaland, Øyvind Glosvik, Osvald Lykkebø, Rasmus Stokke, Lars Bo Andersen, Sigmund Alfred Anderssen, Karin Allor Pfeiffer, Phillip D. Tomporowski, Ingunn Størksen, John B. Bartholomew, Yngvar Ommundsen, Steven James Howard, Anthony D. Okely & Katrine Nyvoll Aadland - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Kristin Gjesdal & Dalia Nassar (red.): Kvinner i filosofien: Romantikk, revolusjon, sosialt fellesskapKristin Gjesdal & Dalia Nassar (red.)Kvinner i filosofien: Romantikk, revolusjon, sosialt fellesskapCappelen Damm (Thorleif Dahls Kulturbibliotek), 2022. 362 sider. [REVIEW]Fredrik Nilsen - 2023 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 58 (4):236-242.
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    Filosofihistorisk likestillingDalia Nassar og Kristin Gjesdal (red.), Women Philosophers in the Long Nineteenth Century. The German Tradition. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2021. [REVIEW]Fredrik Nilsen - 2022 - Agora 40 (2-3):352-365.
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    U.S. moral theology from the margins.Charles E. Curran & Lisa Fullam (eds.) - 2020 - Mahwah, New Jersey: Paulist Press.
    Memory, funerals, and the communion of the saints: growing old and practices of remembering / M. Therese Lysaught -- God bends over backward to accommodate humankind...while the Civil Rights Acts and the Americans with Disabilities Act require [only] minimum effort / Mary Jo Iozzio -- Radical solidarity: migration as challenge ofr contemporary Christian ethics / Kristin E. Heyer -- Catholic lesbian feminist theology / Mary E. Hunt -- Theology of whose body? Sexual conplementarity, intersex conditions, and La Virgen de Guadalupe (...)
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    On the Anatomy of Health-related Actions for Which People Could Reasonably be Held Responsible: A Framework.Kristine Bærøe, Andreas Albertsen & Cornelius Cappelen - 2023 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 48 (4):384-399.
    Should we let personal responsibility for health-related behavior influence the allocation of healthcare resources? In this paper, we clarify what it means to be responsible for an action. We rely on a crucial conceptual distinction between being responsible and holding someone responsible, and show that even though we might be considered responsible and blameworthy for our health-related actions, there could still be well-justified reasons for not considering it reasonable to hold us responsible by giving us lower priority. We transform these (...)
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  6. Priority setting in health care: On the relation between reasonable choices on the micro-level and the macro-level.Kristine Bærøe - 2008 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 29 (2):87-102.
    There has been much discussion about how to obtain legitimacy at macro-level priority setting in health care by use of fair procedures, but how should we consider priority setting by individual clinicians or health workers at the micro-level? Despite the fact that just health care totally hinges upon their decisions, surprisingly little attention seems being paid to the legitimacy of these decisions. This paper addresses the following question: what are the conditions that have to be met in order to ensure (...)
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  7. Infants learn phonotactic regularities from brief auditory experience.Kyle E. Chambers, Kristine H. Onishi & Cynthia Fisher - 2003 - Cognition 87 (2):B69-B77.
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    Towards an environmentally sensitive healthcare ethics: ten tasks and one model.Kristine Bærøe, Anand Singh Bhopal & TOrbjørn Gundersen - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (6):382-383.
    In the face of environmental crises such as climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss—which all adversely impact on health—Gils-Schmidt and Salloch explore whether physicians can be justified in taking climate issues into account in clinical care.1 While their approach centres on the ‘climate-sensitive’ decisions, physicians can carry out on the micro-level of clinical decision-making, they encourage further discussions on how climate-related issues can be included across different levels of decision-making in healthcare. We propose a list of tasks and a model (...)
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    Vaccination-Sensitive Healthcare Rationing: Overlooked Conditions, Translational Ethics, and Climate-Related Challenges.Kristine Bærøe & Cornelius Wrigth Cappelen - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (7):94-96.
    Park and Davies (2024) have conducted impressive work on synthesizing the discussion of vaccination-sensitive rationing and relevant theoretical approaches. In this commentary, we build upon their...
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    Legitimate Healthcare Limit Setting in a Real-World Setting: Integrating Accountability for Reasonableness and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis.Kristine Bærøe & Rob Baltussen - 2014 - Public Health Ethics 7 (2):98-111.
    The overall aim of this article is to discuss the organization of limit setting in healthcare in terms of legitimacy. We argue there is a strong ethical demand that such processes should be arranged to provide adversely affected people well-justified reasons to confer legitimacy to the processes despite favouring a different decision-making outcome. Two increasingly popular approaches, Accountability for Reasonableness (A4R) and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA), can both be applied to support legitimate decision-making processes. However, the role played by ‘fair-minded (...)
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    La Saisie Émotive du « Kairos » Avec Des Enfants : Entre Acte Philosophique Et Geste Didactique.Claire Polo & Kristine Lund - 2021 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:103-134.
    Emotional Grasping of the Kairos in Children’s Talk: between Philosophical Act and Didactical Gesture. An essential gesture of animating a philosophical dialogue with children consists in grasping within their talk, an opportune word or turn of phrase, the kairos, and bouncing off it to advance reasoning. Based on the analysis of expert practices, we propose a typology of the emotional grasp of Kairos that reflects the tension between investigative and educational aims in these exchanges. Beyond the effect of surprise, regulation (...)
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    Perception of High-Level Content and the Argument from Associative Agnosia.Mette Kristine Hansen - 2018 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 9 (2):301-312.
    Visual Associative agnosia is a rare perceptual impairment generally resulting from lesions in the infero temporal cortex. Patients suffering from associative agnosia are able to make accurate copies of line drawings, but they are unable to visually recognize objects - including those represented in line drawings - as belonging to familiar high-level kinds. The Rich Content View claims that visual experience can represent high-level kind properties. The phenomenon of associative agnosia appears to present us with a strong case for the (...)
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    Why and how science students in the United States think their peers cheat more frequently online: perspectives during the COVID-19 pandemic.Kristine L. Callis-Duehl, Emma R. Wester, Swapnil Moon, Jaskirat S. Sodhi, Ashish D. Borgaonkar, Christina M. Zambrano-Varghese, Deborah A. Lichti & Lisa L. Walsh - 2021 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 17 (1).
    Academic integrity establishes a code of ethics that transfers over into the job force and is a critical characteristic in scientists in the twenty-first century. A student’s perception of cheating is influenced by both internal and external factors that develop and change through time. For students, the COVID-19 pandemic shrank their academic and social environments onto a computer screen. We surveyed science students in the United States at the end of their first COVID-interrupted semester to understand how and why they (...)
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    Mellom samfunnsstrukturer og profesjon: om avgrensning, kultivering og premisser for adekvat skjønnsutøvelse i legerollen.Kristine Bærøe - 2011 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2 (2):23-44.
    Denne artikkelen tar utgangspunkt i et skille mellom samfunnsstrukturer som avgrenser legers skjønnsmessige utfoldelse på den ene siden, og profesjonens tilrettelegging for kultiveringen av erkjennelsesmessige ferdigheter på den annen. Ved å videreføre H. Grimen og A. Molanders anvendelse av S.E. Toulmins modell for praktisk resonnering i en klinisk kontekst redegjør jeg for legeskjønnets multidimensjonale, epistemiske struktur. Gjennomgangen viser hvordan skjønnsanvendelse i legerollen kan analyseres i henhold til en fagteknisk, en distributiv og en relasjonell dimensjon. Mot denne bakgrunnen diskuterer jeg så (...)
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    From Knowability to Conjecturability, and Back Again.Jan Heylen & Kristine Grigoryan - 2024 - Contemporary Pragmatism 21 (3):287-298.
    Chiffi and Pietarinen (2020) argue that the knowability paradox disappears if we adopt the concept of conjecturability instead of knowability within the framework of Peirce’s theory of science. They make two main claims: first, conjecturability plays an all-important role in scientific inquiry and it explains better scientific progress than knowability; second, conjecturability does not produce aparadox akin to the knowability paradox. However, based on our reading of Peirce, we contend that knowability plays an important role in scientific inquiry and progress. (...)
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  16. Pushing the Intuitions behind Moral Internalism.Derek Leben & Kristine Wilckens - 2015 - Philosophical Psychology 28 (4):510-528.
    Moral Internalism proposes a necessary link between judging that an action is right/wrong and being motivated to perform/avoid that action. Internalism is central to many arguments within ethics, including the claim that moral judgments are not beliefs, and the claim that certain types of moral skepticism are incoherent. However, most of the basis for accepting Internalism rests on intuitions that have recently been called into question by empirical work. This paper further investigates the intuitions behind Internalism. Three experiments show not (...)
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  17. Aesthetics as Philosophy of Perception.Mette Kristine Hansen - 2017 - Philosophical Quarterly 67 (269):860-863.
    © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Scots Philosophical Association and the University of St Andrews. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: [email protected] Nanay provides an original and interesting discussion of the connections between aesthetics and the philosophy of perception. According to Nanay, many topics within aesthetics are about experiences of various kinds. Aesthetics is not philosophy of perception, but there are important questions within aesthetics that we can address in an interesting way (...)
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  18.  35
    Translational Ethics and Challenges Involved in Putting Norms Into Practice.Kristine Bærøe & Edmund Henden - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (4):71-73.
    Volume 20, Issue 4, May 2020, Page 71-73.
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    Off-Duty Deviance in the Eye of the Beholder: Implications of Moral Foundations Theory in the Age of Social Media.Warren Cook & Kristine M. Kuhn - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 172 (3):605-620.
    Drawing from moral foundations theory, we show that differences in sensitivity to distinct moral norms help explain differences in the perceived fairness of punishing employees for off-duty deviance. We used an initial study to validate realistic examples of non-criminal behavior that were perceived as violating a specific moral foundation. Participants in the main study evaluated scenarios in which co-workers were fired for those behaviors, which took place outside of work but were revealed via social media. The extent to which participants (...)
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  20. Providing free heroin to addicts participating in research - ethical concerns and the question of voluntariness.Edmund Henden & Bærøe Kristine - 2014 - The Psychiatric Bulletin 38 (4):1-4.
    Providing heroin to heroin addicts taking part in medical trials to assess the effectiveness of the drug as a treatment alternative, breaches ethical research standards, some ethicists maintain. Heroin addicts, they say, are unable to consent voluntarily to take part in these trials. Other ethicists disagree. In our view, both sides of the debate have an inadequate understanding of voluntariness. In this article we therefore offer a fuller conception, one which allows for a more flexible, case-to-case approach in which some (...)
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    Gelungener Sex.Almut Kristine V. Wedelstaedt - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 7 (1):103-132.
    What is good sex? This question can be evaluated in multiple dimensions, the moral dimension being only one of them. My main thesis in this paper is that a criterion for good sex is whether the participants are on a par with each other. This can be understood as a moral ideal. In order to make this argument, I first explain what is meant by “sex”. This is, on the one hand, to delineate clearly which phenome-na are included in the (...)
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  22.  67
    On classifying the field of medical ethics.Kristine Bærøe, Jonathan Ives, Martine de Vries & Jan Schildmann - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):30.
    In 2014, the editorial board of BMC Medical Ethics came together to devise sections for the journal that would give structure to the journal help ensure that authors’ research is matched to the most appropriate editors and help readers to find the research most relevant to them. The editorial board decided to take a practical approach to devising sections that dealt with the challenges of content management. After that, we started thinking more theoretically about how one could go about classifying (...)
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    Public Health Ethics: Resource Allocation and the Ethics of Legitimacy.Kristine Bærøe - 2013 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 4 (1).
    Public health ethics is a relatively new academic field. Crucially, it is distinguished from traditional medical ethics by its focus on populations rather than individuals. Still, the ethics of public health cannot be perceived completely detached from the ethics of individuals, as populations are made up of individuals. One issue that clearly falls within the intersection of a population- and an individual based perspective on ethics is resource allocation. Resource allocation takes place at various stages within the organisation of healthcare, (...)
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    Lenestolsfilososfi og fenomenalbevissthetens rolle I naturen.Mette Kristine Hansen - 2011 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 46 (3):212-222.
    This paper concerns one of the central problems of modern philosophy, namely the problem of giving a naturalistic explanation of phenomenal consciousness. In the first part of the paper I argue that traditional physicalist theories have problems dealing with anti-physicalist arguments deducible from the armchair. Hench, such theories are unable to give a proper explanation of phenomenal consciousness as a natural phenomenon. In the second part of the paper I present an alternative view – Type-F monism- and I argue that (...)
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    Sebastian Watzl: Structuring Mind.Mette Kristine Hansen - 2018 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 53 (1):40-43.
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    Machine Learning in Healthcare: Exceptional Technologies Require Exceptional Ethics.Kristine Bærøe, Maarten Jansen & Angeliki Kerasidou - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (11):48-51.
    Char et al. describe an interesting and useful approach in their paper, “Identifying ethical considerations for machine learning healthcare applications.” Their proposed framework, which see...
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    Commentary to ‘Social Health Disparities in Clinical Care: A New Approach to Medical Fairness’ by Puschel, Furlan and Dekkers.Berit Bringedal & Kristine Bærøe - 2017 - Public Health Ethics 10 (1).
    The commentary brings up two topics. The first concerns whether and how a patient’s socioeconomic status should count in clinical care. We provide a brief summary of Puschel and colleagues’ view and discuss it in relation to other accounts. We share their conclusion; considering SES in clinical care can be justified from a fairness perspective. Yet, we question the claim that this is a new perspective, and argue that the reason for the claim of novelty is an insufficient use of (...)
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    Supervisors’ Value Orientations and Ethics: A Cross-National Analysis.Chung-wen Chen, Hsiu-Huei Yu, Kristine Velasquez Tuliao, Aditya Simha & Yi-Ying Chang - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 170 (1):167-180.
    In this study, we used the framework of institutional anomie theory The future of anomie theory, Northeastern University Press, Boston, 1997) to examine the relationship between supervisors’ ethics and their personal value orientation, including achievement and pecuniary materialism. We further investigated whether these individual-level associations were moderated by societal factors consisting of income inequality, government efficiency, foreign competition, and technological advancement. Hierarchical linear modeling was used to analyze data of 16,464 supervisors from 42 nations obtained from the 2010–2014 wave of (...)
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    An Ecclesiology of a Queer Kenosis? Risk and Ambivalence at Our Lady, Trondheim, in Light of the Queer Theology on Kenosis of Marcella Althaus-Reid.Gyrid Kristine Gunnes - 2020 - Feminist Theology 28 (2):216-230.
    This article argues for the use of the queer kenotic theology of Marcella Althaus-Reid as a theological framework for analysing two stories of ambivalence and risk emerging from an ecclesial practice committed to hospitality. Following Natalie Wigg-Stevenson in envisioning theology not as proclamation but as conversation, the article is an example of what theology can look like when ethnographic material is juxtaposed with systematic theology. The empirical material is created using ethnography as a research strategy in the ecclesial practice of (...)
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    Lived Experience of Treatment for Avoidant Personality Disorder: Searching for Courage to Be.Kristine Dahl Sørensen, Theresa Wilberg, Eivind Berthelsen & Marit Råbu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Objective: To inquire into the subjective experience of treatment by persons diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder. Methods: Persons with avoidant personality disorder (N = 15) were interviewed twice, using semi-structured in-depth interviews, analyzed by and the responses subject to interpretative-phenomenological analysis. Persons with firsthand experience of avoidant personality disorder were included in the research process. Results: The superordinate theme emerging from the interviews, “searching for courage to be” encompassed three main themes: “seeking trust, strength, and freedom,” “being managed,” and “discovering (...)
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    Disease Control Priorities for Neglected Tropical Diseases: Lessons from Priority Ranking Based on the Quality of Evidence, Cost Effectiveness, Severity of Disease, Catastrophic Health Expenditures, and Loss of Productivity.Elisabeth Marie Strømme, Kristine Bærøe & Ole Frithjof Norheim - 2013 - Developing World Bioethics 14 (3):132-141.
    Background In the context of limited health care budgets in countries where Neglected Tropical Diseases are endemic, scaling up disease control interventions entails the setting of priorities. However, solutions based solely on cost-effectiveness analyses may lead to biased and insufficiently justified priorities. Objectives The objectives of this paper are to 1) demonstrate how a range of equity concerns can be used to identify feasible priority setting criteria, 2) show how these criteria can be fed into a multi-criteria decision-making matrix, and (...)
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    Disease Control Priorities for Neglected Tropical Diseases: Lessons from Priority Ranking Based on the Quality of Evidence, Cost Effectiveness, Severity of Disease, Catastrophic Health Expenditures, and Loss of Productivity.Elisabeth Marie Strømme, Kristine Baerøe & Ole Frithjof Norheim - 2014 - Developing World Bioethics 14 (3):132-141.
    BackgroundIn the context of limited health care budgets in countries where Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) are endemic, scaling up disease control interventions entails the setting of priorities. However, solutions based solely on cost‐effectiveness analyses may lead to biased and insufficiently justified priorities.ObjectivesThe objectives of this paper are to 1) demonstrate how a range of equity concerns can be used to identify feasible priority setting criteria, 2) show how these criteria can be fed into a multi‐criteria decision‐making matrix, and 3) discuss (...)
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    Who Will Keep the Public Healthy? Assuring a Legally Prepared Workforce.Mary Anne Viverette, Jennifer Leaning, Susan K. Steeg, Kristine M. Gebbie & Maureen Litchveld - 2003 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 31 (S4):81-83.
    The Commission on the Accreditation of Law Enforcement employs rigorous evaluation techniques. Objective accreditation, such as made possible by CALEA, is important from the public’s perspective and in the national community of law enforcement.To counteract a general distrust of law enforcement agencies, the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration developed a grant to develop standards by which the quality and performance of law enforcement could be measured. LEAA developed 107 standards and, though well received by the law enforcement community, no single group (...)
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  34. Standards of practice in empirical bioethics research: towards a consensus.Jonathan Ives, Michael Dunn, Bert Molewijk, Jan Schildmann, Kristine Bærøe, Lucy Frith, Richard Huxtable, Elleke Landeweer, Marcel Mertz, Veerle Provoost, Annette Rid, Sabine Salloch, Mark Sheehan, Daniel Strech, Martine de Vries & Guy Widdershoven - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):68.
    This paper responds to the commentaries from Stacy Carter and Alan Cribb. We pick up on two main themes in our response. First, we reflect on how the process of setting standards for empirical bioethics research entails drawing boundaries around what research counts as empirical bioethics research, and we discuss whether the standards agreed in the consensus process draw these boundaries correctly. Second, we expand on the discussion in the original paper of the role and significance of the concept of (...)
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    Priority-setting dilemmas, moral distress and support experienced by nurses and physicians in the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway.Ingrid Miljeteig, Ingeborg Forthun, Karl Ove Hufthammer, Inger Elise Engelund, Elisabeth Schanche, Margrethe Schaufel & Kristine Husøy Onarheim - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (1):66-81.
    Background: The global COVID-19 pandemic has imposed challenges on healthcare systems and professionals worldwide and introduced a ´maelstrom´ of ethical dilemmas. How ethically demanding situations are handled affects employees’ moral stress and job satisfaction. Aim: Describe priority-setting dilemmas, moral distress and support experienced by nurses and physicians across medical specialties in the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Western Norway. Research design: A cross-sectional hospital-based survey was conducted from 23 April to 11 May 2020. Ethical considerations: Ethical approval granted (...)
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    Rethinking The Globalization Of Domestic Service: Foreign Domestics, State Control, and the Politics of Identity in Taiwan.Shu-Ju Ada Cheng - 2003 - Gender and Society 17 (2):166-186.
    This article examines the configuration of domestic service within local milieus under globalization. Using Taiwan as a case study, the author argues that the state continues to have an impact even in this age of global interdependence. The management of foreign domestics within employers’ households is not only important for labor control but also central to the state’s administration over alien subjects. The case of Taiwan calls attention to the necessity of bringing the state back into the analysis of gender (...)
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    Is the use of cholesterol in mortality risk algorithms in clinical guidelines valid? Ten years prospective data from the Norwegian HUNT 2 study.Halfdan Petursson, Johann A. Sigurdsson, Calle Bengtsson, Tom I. L. Nilsen & Linn Getz - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (1):159-168.
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    Free association in a neural network.Russell Richie, Ada Aka & Sudeep Bhatia - 2023 - Psychological Review 130 (5):1360-1382.
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    Does gender influence managers’ ethics? A cross‐cultural analysis.Chung-wen Chen, Kristine Velasquez Tuliao, John B. Cullen & Yi-Ying Chang - 2016 - Business Ethics: A European Review 25 (4):345-362.
    The relationship between gender and ethics has been extensively researched. However, previous studies have assumed that the gender–ethics association is constant; hence, scholars have seldom investigated factors potentially affecting the gender–ethics association. Thus, using managers as the research target, this study examined the relationship between gender and ethics and analyzed the moderating effect of cultural values on the gender–ethics association. The results showed that, compared with female managers, their male counterparts are more willing to justify business-related unethical behaviors such as (...)
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    Professionals’ Responsibilities to Foster the Autonomy of Future Adults.Marilyn L. Bach, Jeffery Smith, Kristine A. Diemer, Erin L. Magnus, Nicholas A. Bryant & Charles N. Oberg - 1996 - Professional Ethics, a Multidisciplinary Journal 5 (3):73-91.
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    ZusammenDenken. Festschrift für Ralf Stoecker.Roland Kipke, Nele Röttger, Johanna Wagner & Almut Kristine von Wedelstaedt (eds.) - 2021 - Springer VS.
    Handeln, Personsein, Menschenwürde und zahlreiche Fragen der Angewandten Ethik – das ist das weite Spektrum dieser Festschrift und auch des Denkens von Ralf Stoecker, dem sie gewidmet ist. Ganz in seinem Geiste laden die Beiträge des Bandes dazu ein, zusammen zu denken und zusammenzudenken, was – möglicherweise – zusammengehört.
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    ZusammenDenken: Festschrift Für Ralf Stoecker.Roland Kipke, Nele Röttger, Johanna Wagner & Almut Kristine V. Wedelstaedt (eds.) - 2021 - Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Handeln, Personsein, Menschenwürde und zahlreiche Fragen der Angewandten Ethik – das ist das weite Spektrum dieser Festschrift und auch des Denkens von Ralf Stoecker, dem sie gewidmet ist. Ganz in seinem Geiste laden die Beiträge des Bandes dazu ein, zusammen zu denken und zusammenzudenken, was – möglicherweise – zusammengehört.
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    Anxiety, Depression, and Body Weight in Children and Adolescents With Migraine.Samuela Tarantino, Laura Papetti, Alessandra Di Stefano, Valeria Messina, Fabiana Ursitti, Michela Ada Noris Ferilli, Giorgia Sforza, Romina Moavero, Federico Vigevano, Simonetta Gentile & Massimiliano Valeriani - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Semantic and subword priming during binocular suppression.Patricia Costello, Yi Jiang, Brandon Baartman, Kristine McGlennen & Sheng He - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (2):375-382.
    In general, stimuli that are familiar and recognizable have an advantage of predominance during binocular rivalry. Recent research has demonstrated that familiar and recognizable stimuli such as upright faces and words in a native language could break interocular suppression faster than their matched controls. In this study, a visible word prime was presented binocularly then replaced by a high-contrast dynamic noise pattern presented to one eye and either a semantically related or unrelated word was introduced to the other eye. We (...)
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    Philosophy of education in a new key: A collective writing project on the state of Filipino philosophy of education.Gina A. Opiniano, Liz Jackson, Franz Giuseppe F. Cortez, Elizer Jay de los Reyes, Marella Ada V. Mancenido-Bolaños, Fleurdeliz R. Altez-Albela, Rodrigo Abenes, Jennifer Monje, Tyrene Joy B. Basal, Peter Paul E. Elicor, Ruby S. Suazo & Rowena Azada-Palacios - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (8):1256-1270.
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    Dual duties to patient and planet: time to revisit the ethical foundations of healthcare?Anand Bhopal & Kristine Bærøe - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (2):102-103.
    When weighing up which inhaler to prescribe, a doctor may prioritise a patient’s preferences over the expected harms from the associated carbon emissions. Parker argues that this is wrong.1 Doctors have a pro-tanto duty to switch from a high-carbon metered-dose inhaler (MDI) to a low-carbon dry-powdered inhaler (DPI)—even though this provides no direct patient benefit—unless switching would undermine trust or significantly worsen a patient’s health. He goes on to state that even if DPIs are more expensive for the National Health (...)
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    The Challenge of Informed Consent and Return of Results in Translational Genomics: Empirical Analysis and Recommendations.Gail E. Henderson, Susan M. Wolf, Kristine J. Kuczynski, Steven Joffe, Richard R. Sharp, D. Williams Parsons, Bartha M. Knoppers, Joon-Ho Yu & Paul S. Appelbaum - 2014 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 42 (3):344-355.
    Large-scale sequencing tests, including whole-exome and whole-genome sequencing, are rapidly moving into clinical use. Sequencing is already being used clinically to identify therapeutic opportunities for cancer patients who have run out of conventional treatment options, to help diagnose children with puzzling neurodevelopmental conditions, and to clarify appropriate drug choices and dosing in individuals. To evaluate and support clinical applications of these technologies, the National Human Genome Research Institute and National Cancer Institute have funded studies on clinical and research sequencing under (...)
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  48. Difficult Trade-Offs in Response to COVID-19: The Case for Open and Inclusive Decision-Making.Ole Frithjof Norheim, Joelle Abi-Rached, Liam Kofi Bright, Kristine Baeroe, Octavio Ferraz, Siri Gloppen & Alex Voorhoeve - 2021 - Nature Medicine 27:10-13.
    We argue that deliberative decision-making that is inclusive, transparent and accountable can contribute to more trustworthy and legitimate decisions on difficult ethical questions and political trade-offs during the pandemic and beyond.
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  49. “Gaze leading”: Initiating simulated joint attention influences eye movements and choice behavior.Andrew P. Bayliss, Emily Murphy, Claire K. Naughtin, Ada Kritikos, Leonhard Schilbach & Stefanie I. Becker - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (1):76.
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    Ethical Algorithmic Advice: Some Reasons to Pause and Think Twice.Torbjørn Gundersen & Kristine Bærøe - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (7):26-28.
    Machine learning and other forms of artificial intelligence can improve parts of clinical decision making regarding the gathering and analysis of data, the detection of disease, and the provis...
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